Mars / Snow

21+ years old
ADHD and autistic
Nonbinary - Agender / Wintergender
she/her - they/them - xe/xem - nya/nyem - sno/snem
Bi/Pan Demisexual Aro-spec - Polyamorous (not relationship seeking)


Do not interact with any of my blogs if you are the usual DNI suspects.
My blog and AO3 & FFN accounts are my happy place, ya know? I'm not interested in negative discourse or debate.
If we are mutuals, please tag images of gore and severe eye injury. Thanks!


RWBY (chiefly, this is really the only topic I regularly engage with)
Gravity Falls
More may be added


Sometimes I will talk about personal things on tumblr, but I am a very private person otherwise, so do not expect me to disclose anything personal that I don’t already want to talk about.

Any of my blogs may feature NSFW or otherwise bordering on NSFW content, primarily written content. These posts are tagged appropriately as “nsfw,” “not sfw,” or both. I am an adult. Please do not interact with any NSFW content on my blogs if you are not 18 or older. No explicit images or videos will ever be featured or linked.

If you would like for me to tag for certain triggers or content warnings, just let me know. I already try to tag for common triggers but I will likely miss something. Just let me know and I'll fix it as best as I can.

I am of the mind that gender and sexuality are fluid and often indefinable phenomena, and our efforts to apply language to it can’t always be comprehensive. Therefore, I think it’s rather beautiful to see people experiment and come up with new ways to express their identity. People can use whatever pronouns they wish, regardless of their gender identity, and others should be respectful and use said pronouns for them. MOGAI identities are valid and belong in the queer community. Asexuality and aromanticism are inherently queer experiences. In fact, anyone who is not 100% straight, 100% cis, and 100% allo belongs here. Our community thrives on inclusiveness, especially of those who would struggle to find community otherwise.